
EGDC Methodologies

The EGDC pilot project developed science-based methods to estimate the net environmental impact of real-life digital solutions across sectors – Energy/Power, Transport, Construction/Buildings, Smart cities, Manufacturing, Agriculture.


The main outcomes of the EGDC Pilot Project are: 


  • Net Carbon Impact Assessment Methodology for ICT Solutions: Science-based method to calculate the net climate impact of given solutions, complemented by six sector-specific methodologies illustrating the application of the assessment in each sector.


  • Case Study Calculators, which contributed to refining the Net Carbon Impact Assessment Methodology. The assessment of the net environmental impact of the Case Studies was conducted concurrently with the methodology’s creation, providing a valuable testing ground for its initial formulation.


  • Deployment guidelines to provide recommendations for green digital transformation in each of the six sectors. They provide guidance on the deployment of digital solutions to maximise their net positive impact (e.g. emission avoidance) and minimise negative impacts (solution footprint, rebound effects)


Identified priority sectors
Smart cities