First set of selected case studies for the EGDC calculators

As part of the development of methodologies to reach the objectives set out in the Declaration, the EGDC EP Pilot Project has selected a first set of digital solutions (case studies) to be developed into a case study calculator. The aim of the case study calculators is to assess the net environmental impact of the selected solutions.

This first set is comprised of four case studies (described here), based on solutions submitted by Coalition members. It will be followed by two other rounds of submission to be completed by the end of 2022.

This will lead up to a total of 18 case studies, which will contribute to develop the net environmental impact methodology with real-life use cases. These case studies will cover six different sectors (Energy/Power, Transport, Construction/Buildings, Manufacturing, Agriculture and Smart Cities), identified as priority areas.

Consult our page on Case Studies for more information on the case study calculators as well as the selection process carried out.