Calculating the net environmental impact of (your) digital solutions

16 December 2022 | 11:00-12:00 CET

This webinar, organised by the European Green Digital Coalition Pilot Project, introduced the case study calculators which are being developed within the Pilot Project, which aim to assess the net environmental impact of real-life digital solutions. The first two calculators are currently being developed for the building sector and the transport sector. 1 

The case study calculators will estimate the net environmental impact of the digital solution to determine whether the solution is indeed a Green Digital Solution. The calculators will also assess the net environmental impact of the digital technologies that are part of the Digital Solution. 

The calculators that have been presented in this webinar consist of Excel sheets with the calculations, as well as a supporting methodology document, outlining assumptions, data sources, etc. Upon finalisation, the calculators will aim to be used by companies to either assess the impact of similar solutions or as a template to develop calculators for other solutions in that sector.

Watch the recording!

11.00 – 11.05   Introduction 
Luis Neves, EGDC Pilot Project Coordinator, GeSI CEO

11.05 – 11.45   Presentation of EGDC case study calculators and demonstration of 2 Calculators: Schneider Electric High-Performance Building Management System; Ericsson: Optimisation of port processes

Veronika Thieme, The Carbon Trust; Diane Mouradian and Jack Simpson, Deloitte

11.45 – 11.50   Reflections on the calculators
Pernilla Bergmark, Ericsson and Vincent Minier, Schneider Electric

11.50 – 12.00   Q&A / Next steps 

1 In total, the EGDC EP Pilot Project will develop calculators for around 18 selected digital solutions (case studies), covering six different sectors (Energy/Power, Transport, Construction/Buildings, Manufacturing, Agriculture and Smart Cities), identified as priority areas (more information)